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Unrealistic dreams and unsustainable transformations

I used to be one of those girls who believed that skinny detox teas would make you skinny and a '10 minute abs workout' would get me a six pack - yes like most people I was young and uneducated.

Although I love fitness and I have contemplated entering the fitness industry myself, there are certain things that rattle my cage, most likely because I used to fall for it.

1. Selling you dreams

When I see images like '7 day tiny waist challenge', '14 day detox tea for a flat stomach', 'only 12 minutes a day and your legs will be irresistible' 'eat these foods and you will loose 12 pounds in 2 weeks'. It winds the living day lights out of me, it is so hard to be fit and to change your body, it takes time, effort and consistency, a 'magic tea' or a random squat or ab challenge will NOT transform your body in a matter of days.

Such slogans are used for advertisement to make you purchase something - or from someone rather uneducated. I'm not saying I know everything as I most certainly do not, but I do know that if you want visible abs or smaller/thicker legs, you need to eat and workout according to your goals.

If you want something, work for it, nothing worth having comes quickly or easily.

2. Celebrity 'Transformations'

Don't get me wrong, any celebrity that has lost weight - then good on them, it's not easy, but the difference between us and them is that they most likely had a personal trainer with them every step of the way, telling them what they can and can't eat, and maybe even having someone cook their meals for them. They then make an exercise DVD on how they lost the weight and how you can too.

The latest 'celebrity' to do this is Scarlet Moffatt from Goggle Box. I did actually really enjoy watching her on Goggle Box and I'm a Celeb - but then she went and done my pet hate. Got herself into a bikini for the world to see her at her 'worst' to then shed the weight, and make money from it.

Yes, she most likely is encouraging and helping other young girls to be more active which is great (in its own way I guess), but a weight loss DVD really is NOT along term solution... if you stop the DVD then you'll gain the weight back, like most 'quick weight loss solutions'. You need to implement something into your life that is sustainable.

Not to mention these DVDs will not help you 'tone', as you need muscle to appear 'toned', and these DVDs will not help you gain muscle. No muscle = no tone.

If you want to loose weight, or begin your fitness journey, I can guarantee you anything that is a quick fix WILL NOT LAST and will not work! You need to implement something that is sustainable, realistic and also enjoyable.


© 2016 SophsJourney

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