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Slight oat obsession

I eat 'normal oats', proats and egg white oats... but this blog post isn't a recipe post, ill save that for another day, this post is simply an 'oat appreciation' post.

Okay so as you can see my oat bowls aren't the 'healthiest', why is this?

I often eat bowls of oats as a post-workout, and sometimes as a pre-workout. This is because after a tough gym session, and especially after leg day, I like to eat a big carb heavy meal in order to re-fuel my body and muscles. Oats are a good source of complex carbs, keeping you fuller for longer, however after the gym I do also like to have a little sugar spike, therefore a big bowl of complex and simple carbs, pick my sugar levels up and then keeps them steady for a while. Not only that, if you can't have your treats straight after a workout when your body is craving and needing the food the most, when can you !?

Don't get me wrong, I do eat plain oats, however plain oats will more likely be my pre-workout rather than post workout. This is so that I don't have such a heavy meal before a workout, or take the chance of ending up in a carb coma

I have a million and one more images of my indulgent oat bowls, although saying that, some of the oat bowls I have seen make mine look so plain, small and boring!

To wrap this post up, one of the things I want this blog to do is connect me to like minded people, so who else is completely obsessed with oats? Send me your images, I may run an oatmeal competition when my blog gets going a bit !


© 2016 SophsJourney

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