Why I started a blog
Well it’s simple, I love what I do.
I love the gym. I attend two different gyms, 5 – 6 times a week, and it has got to the point where a rest day takes more discipline then actually going.
I love food. But who doesn’t? I used to restrict myself, get by on as little calories as I could. I used to wake up in the middle of the night starving. I used to run miles upon miles, punishing myself for eating ‘bad food’.
However over the years my mindset has changed, I eat more food now than I ever have, I love lifting weights, and I strive for strength over slimness.

Fitness and food are my two biggest passions, so why not share it?
Later this year, I will be travelling to Australia, I don't know how long I will be there for, 5 months, 8 months, a year? We'll see. I will document my East Coast travels, as well as my fitness journey whilst travelling... will I even be able to stay fit? Will it still be a priority to me, or will I let myself go? Who knows...
So this blog is just a way to document and share my journey, write about the things I love, and connect with like minded people.
My blog will not be anything too serious, I am doing it purely for my own enjoyment, I do't expect my blog to become anything special, but everyone is on a journey in life, everyone has a story to tell, and this blog is mine #thejourney
Comment below and let me know why you started your blog...
Sophie xxx