I'm Sophie Doyle, 22 years old and a self confessed foodie and gym lover.
First and foremost, thank you for visiting my blog!
I am starting this blog as a way to share and document my love for fitness, food and travelling
I graduated from the University of Essex with a BA Criminology with Social Psychology. I love the scientific study of the mind and behavior, all things psychological.
I do not have any sort of nutrition/fitness/writing qualification, feel free to think 'this girl has no idea what shes talking about' because, I probably don't. I take it upon myself to educate myself on lifting weights, the human body, nutrition and all things fitness related.
I have been on my fitness journey for about 4 years now, going from a restrictive eater, cardio bunny… to a food loving, gym obsessed lifter.
It has come to the point where a rest day takes more discipline then actually going to the gym!
As for travelling, I will be travelling East Coast Australia in August, and this is where my ‘real’ travelling journey will begin. On this journey, I plan on staying as fit and healthy as I can be whilst enjoying the Aussie food... but we'll see how that plans out
This blog is for my personal enjoyment, nothing too serious, I just want to document my journeys, share my passions, connect with like minded people, and hopefully inspire others…
No, I do not get paid in anyway shape or form
Love Sophie Doyle