Unrealistic dreams and unsustainable transformations
I used to be one of those girls who believed that skinny detox teas would make you skinny and a '10 minute abs workout' would get me a...

Tips on how to stay motivated on your fitness journey
On your fitness journey, you will certainly be faced with set backs, struggles and a sudden lack of motivation. No one can be 100%...

Foam Rolling - how it's changing my life and can change yours too
Okay I agree the title is a bit extreme, but its true, and here's why ... Considering I lift weights 5/6 times a week, I am not surprised...

What I eat in a day - higher carbs
Today is Monday 20th March, showing you my first ever 'what I eat in a day' Over the past two years I have dipped in and out of IIFYM (if...

Why I started a blog
Well it’s simple, I love what I do. FOOD & FITNESS I love the gym. I attend two different gyms, 5 – 6 times a week, and it has got to the...